The Hawaiian Rep...
Miss Melodie Yoshida |
In university I studied business marketing, while most of my work
experience is in retail.
Somewhere in between all of that I found myself going to Bikram Yoga teacher
training and started teaching as well. I’ve been teaching for 3 years now. I
enjoy other types of yoga, but the sweat sessions in a Bikram class is what I
love most right now!
I absolutely cannot do without snowboarding. I love the snow and the huge mountains and the feeling of being so small on something so big is a rush!
When I moved back to the Hawaiian islands a few years ago, I tried surfing despite my
fear of the ocean and NOW I am in love with that as well! One of my many passions is photography and enjoy anything crafty. My inventory of crafting supplies might
look quite similar to Martha Stewart’s. The most recent craft challenge has
resulted in purchasing a commercial-grade laser cutter. I will be trying my hand
as a small business owner in the next few months! I intend to be all over Etsy and local craft fairs.I am a true believer that life is what we make of it, so I am doing exactly that! Excitement is what comes to mind when I think of this new adventure with Khongboon Brazilian Bikinis and to help Keikaikoa deliver its message of calm mind ... creative spirit ... and healthy lifestyle.