KeiKaiKoa Fashion Show


Hafia and Autumn

Autumn, Kate, Catherine, Quentina


It has been about 8 years since I last produced a fashion show and it was like riding a bicycle. The same familiar feeling takes over, joy.
I use to amuse myself with glossy magazines that my mother would collect from friends. Imagination ran rampant at a young age of five. My mother spoke highly of these women on these pages and she admired the models in their beauty and intelligence. The celebrities of her time were actors, singers, artists, writers, authors, judges and they were all beautifully coiffed and featured in these magazines. I soon obsessed with these glossy pages, as well an escape from my reality just as my mother escaped hers.  I read veraciously and saw that all these women had a vision of being their own person in their own terms.  These women were the product of feminism and now my mother emulated them and she wanted it for her three daughters.
As I grew up, I distinctly remember hating my independence in Canada. While my friends went to parties and what I saw was a "social life" for me I had "responsibilities". During my years as a teenager I resumed to books and magazine obsessions. I would rip the pages and carefully wall paper my room with fashion photos and there I began to dream of being a model. Even though I new my height was an issue I was determined, I was hooked on style, makeup and trends. I had my own style and frequented second hand shops in the city and created my own style. I made my own clothes, my prom dress. Having no money to purchase name brand styles, I created my own brand. If there was a fashion show at Mic Mac Mall I was there to attend it and very soon,  I was modelling at every mall in the city. There I met a lady who taught us how to walk, apply make up and create a new persona. Then as I graduated high school, while my friends attended at universities across Canada,  I worked to save money and to finish a portfolio for a college in Montreal. There I took Women's wear and later transferred to men's wear and if I was not going to be a model, I was going to be a fashion designer. I attended local fashion shows in the city and soon asked to model catering to Asian fashion. I also started acting on the side for extra income to buy supplies for school. After five summers in Montreal, I came home to Halifax and opened a studio on Barrington st. It was a struggle with no sleep and working three jobs to support my passion, I discovered CEED. They gave me the tools and confidence to carry out my dream with Mekizo Designs. This was a fashion label I made up while at school in marketing from my true last name Meguizo. Now if Googled it is a label for my Area Rugs my husband sells across Canada and internationally.  I didn't become a model or a fashion designer but I learned that in the end if you have the passion and the love for style, design and creativity it comes back to you. Here I am back in Nova Scotia after fifteen years of seeking my passion.  Producing a fashion show for products I am passionate about, with my new label named after the love of my life, my children. So do not give up on your dreams, if you have a passion do not lose it, always use it in your journey and when your path takes you out of it temporarily, have it ready on those days your family and friends need it from you and give back. There were so many times I used my talent for no monetary gains and in the end it was my passion being realized and to me that was the best memories of my life. 
Now you may think that I can do everything alone. I cannot, because we all know that it takes a community to build a village. My community are my Keikaikoa team
Now in addition my Keikaikoa models, on our next blog you can learn about our models, who they are and what their passions are.
Special thanks to my dear friend Krista for her amazing photos of our gorgeous ladies. Thank you so much on your dedication to our label! and kaftans by Vayla beachwear, jewelry tattoos from Lulu DK all products can be bought from contact us at 902.449.1704 or email at 

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