Am I too sensitive? Aren't You?

Am I too sensitive? Yes, I do take things personally for example when a person calls you fat to your face or when they laugh, and gossip behind your back and you find out about it, are you telling me you are not offended? Hurt perhaps? That is complete baloney! You hear that you have too much time on your hands and that you always need attention? I have never met anyone that didn't want or need to be noticed, but I hang out with entrepreneurs and artists, so we need to be seen, or the business doesn't work. Also most people I meet come from dysfunctional families, oh and every one of us came from one, whether we like to admit to it or not.
I try to incorporate kindness, mindfulness also integrity in everything I do. I am not the type of person who cheats and steals when I know the person needs my help, I am usually the first person to encourage and get people together. I hate drama, but I love it too! As Filipinos, we love our teleserya, and telenovelas (TV Dramas) What is life without "drama," after all?

Ok, I shaved my head, I wear masculine clothes most of the time, I don't even wear makeup so that no one comes up to harass me. Most of the time I don't make eye contact anymore with people because frankly, I am scared of people, I trust no one. I teach my kids the same lessons because this is the kind of world we live in now right? When we traveled to Europe, TripAdvisor says watch out for pickpocketers. We also avoided big crowds for fear of terrorists, we also only ate at places recommended because we may get sick during our trip.  We come home after living away for 15 years and to find out the friendliest people in the country are not so sincere.  Oh, I know when you are authentic. Honestly! I never really even noticed because I just trust everyone is truthful! Nope, they are all narcissists just like most of us. You know what my mistake was? Believing in something good.
So for 2018, I am giving humanity another chance... I will make more eye contact, smile at everyone and change my attitude towards people. Volunteer, make changes in my community and embrace life fully and let myself get hurt again. What am I afraid of? The human race will always disappoint me and that, I should accept.
I will be a part of their lives more, but once you mistreat me, I need to let you go. I will no longer nurture unhealthy relationships. I will be honest with my feelings, I will be authentic and transparent.  I do actually tell people about myself all the time because they either accept me or they will judge me and its ok. But that means I don't need to be your friend and I have to be ok with that.
I just have to tell myself RESPECT, BE KIND, BE GENEROUS and NAMASTE world!

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