The newest part of the team the LA girl!

Hey there.  It’s me, Chrys Landeros, here to share a bit of me with you!

I keep my life quite simple; family, friends, fitness, fun & fashion.

I’m a mother, entrepreneur, & fitness advocate.

16 years ago I began my fitness journey.  My goal was to lead a healthy lifestyle and lead by example for my son.  Best decision ever!  I've now been a Certified Personal Trainer & Group Fitness instructor for nearly a decade.  I’m blessed to make my living as a fitness professional.  However, more important than monetary gains are the relationships & opportunities that I've cultivated over the years.   

Khongboon Brazilian Bikinis promotes travel, nutrition and healthy living.  Joining Keikaikoa spread the word about such a positive, empowering & beautiful bikini line is an opportunity I just couldn't refuse.

I’m excited to share my adventures & experiences on my blog. 
laugh & live out loud! Ttys.

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